3D PDF News

3D PDF News

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Boutique software house Render Plus Systems introduces 3D PDF Exporter, which quickly converts SketchUp models into 3D PDF files.

New 3D PDF Exporter from Render Plus Systems converts SketchUp documents to 3D PDF files, which can then be post on a web page or sent to clients.

lomas davis


At the other end of the scale, Render Plus Systems has developed 3D PDF, which for less than US$200 can be used to pull the output of 3D PDFs into SketchUp Pro.

JD on EP

SketchUp to PDF: Render Plus Systems now offers an export plugin for SketchUp, to distribute interactive 3D models within PDF files. Adobe Reader 7.08 and greater can view -- rollover the model to see the control panel, try toggling rendering styles, lighting -- hit the "Model Tree" icon to toggle parts of the model -- use the "Distance Tool" to measure within the model. More at samples, tutorials. There's a lot of interest in planning & manufacturing now about using interactive 3D within a document package, but Acrobat's 3D abilities are still a surprise to many.

Hover Club of America


In addition to the modeling program there is a 3D PDF file program and viewer that works great with the SketchUp program. I have just started trying this to distribute the 3D models for input and review from outside partys that do not have the SketchUp program. It seems to work well when set up with a current Acrobat 7.0.8.

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