3D slide show animations

3D slide show animations

3D slide shows are made by rendering transitional views between views that have been saved by the user. The output is a number of images (.png) that form a slide show animation that transitions from one saved view to the next. To create a 3D slide show, go to the WalkAbout interface and save at least two views of the model. This is done with the "Save Current View" button.\\

Save view.png

Once multiple views have been saved, click the "3D Slide Show Animation" button, to the right of the "Save Current View" button.


This leads to the 3D Slide Show dialog box. It contains an ordered list of the different views, as well as controls labeled "Transition (Seconds)" and "Delay (Seconds)." These affect the length of the transitions between views, and the time spent at each saved view, respectively. This dialog box also contains three additional tabs, which are:

  • Quality. Since 3D Slide Shows require many renderings, the default resolution is lower than for a still image, as is the number of passes per image. Frames per second controls the frame rate for the transitions. This means that more frames will be rendered, giving the animation a smoother feel.
  • Exposure.
  • Output.

The "Preview" button shows what the animation will look like with the current settings. "Render" will render the output images, and "Farm" uses the nXtRender Render Farm to produce the output images.

See also

nXtRender Add-ons
