Lighting Channels Sample Model

Lighting Channels Sample Model

This Lighting Channels Sample Model was provided by Boothy as a sample for new IRender nXt users.

Download this model from the 3D Warehouse

Model rendered with IRender nXt for 20 passes. Rendering time about 14 minutes hours.
Lighting balanced using the IRender nXt Lighting Channels feature.


Lighting Channels

Lighting Channels is a feature in IRender nXt which allows you to adjust the effects of lights or groups if lights on the rendered image with out having to actually change the intensity of the lights and re-render the model.

Lighting channels ar set up automatically for models for sun, sky, ceiling lights and other lights. You can reassign these channels or use other channels - up to 8 total - for better fine tuning.

In thus model Boothy divided the channels in the main hanging lights into two channels - one pointing towards the ceiling and one towards the floor. This makes easy to adjust the effects of th the hanging lights just by adjusting the up-light and down-light effects.

Isolating channels

the first time you use lighting channels it is handy to isolate the individual channels (turn them on one at a time) to see just which light sources are effected by the channel

Sun Only

In this first image, I turned off all the lighting except the sun.

This lets you see the direct sunlight both outside, and through the windows. And also to see which items are lit indirectly by reflections of the sun light.


Uplights Only

Channel 7 is used only for the parts of the hanging light which directly illuminate the ceiling.

Isolating just this light is unnatural, but gives you an idea of what objects are illuminated by the up-light effect of these lights.


Adjusting Multiple Channels

Balancing Sun, Sky and Interior Lights

I started by turning the sun and sky way down, so that the interior lighting had more effect.

In viewing the image, I can see that I want to increase the Up-lights in channel 7 to have more of an effect on the ceiling, to increase the self glow panels (image on right wall) to make it appear to be back-lit, And to increase the lights outside the windows, (Channel 2).

I will adjust each of these one at a time, and I may have to readjust the first ones and the later ones make the overall scene brighter.


Self Glow Panels

Raising Channel 4 to highlight the self-glow panels


Raising Channel 7 for the up-lights.(Self Glow is still increased.)

Outside Lights

These are the settings used in the image at the top of this page.

Raising Up-lights in Channel 7

See also